Push off from the ordinary think, step out of everyday life and dare to be different. A pinch of extravagance, a little exaggeration, a crazy idea ... these makes the individuality. „No matter what people think about us. The important thing is to be true to ourselves.”- .” - Scott Jurek

We need to provide free space in our life for the important things: memories, objects, feelings, desires, plans. Generosity in planning the spaces, elegance in designing the details will lead to success.

„Don’t be afraid to give is the good for the great!” - Kenny Rogers

Dare to dream big! If we need inspiration the best to do is to make changes on our milieu. Let’s choose new style, color, objects… and change will happens within ourselves. "What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it; Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe